Gideon’s Garden is a youth-operated farm in Great Barrington, MA. We grow over 40 different kinds of fruits and vegetables, and we give all of our produce away to food pantries for free!
Gideon’s Garden is located at: 26 Division St. Great Barrington, across from Taft Farms.
The Opportunity
We are looking for an intern interested in serving their community, farming, community building, and youth leadership. Driver’s license is a plus. Spanish language skills are also a plus!
The Youth Supervisor acts as a leader for younger interns in our Summer Internship Program.
The internship offers both work experience and an educational program designed for learning and personal growth for 6 – 8 kids between the ages of 13-15.
The Youth Supervisor will help to facilitate discussions, lead activities and interface between our interns and program directors. The internship runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Other days the Youth Supervisor will assist the directors and volunteers in maintenance, harvesting and delivery of our crops. They will also help welcome visiting groups from across the community, and serve as a guide to our butterfly house.
Duties of this position:
- Participate in all aspects of Gideon’s Garden Internship Program, including planting, harvesting, washing and packing produce, watering, weeding, lawn maintenance and delivery
- accompany interns on weekly field trips
- assist in social media management
- assist in feeding handling, and caring for the chickens
- assist in care and lead tours of the butterfly house
- collect data on harvests, deliveries and general growing conditions
- assist in welcoming and leading visiting volunteer groups
- help to develop and provide feedback on our programming and outreach
Compensation and Application
The internship will run a full 10 weeks from June to August. Start date is flexible pending school schedules and other limitations, but availability for the 10-week summer programming is required.
The internship opportunity is Full-time with Part-time flexibility. Compensation is $15/hour. Transportation provided as needed.
Students interested should apply at Berkshire Interns and submit a cover letter and resume. Only students currently enrolled in college or a graduate program may apply.